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Important Announcement about Bed-Stuy Site

July 30, 2024

As many of you know, we opened our site at the Major Owens Community Center in Crown Heights in 2021 with an eye to the time when we'd have to exit our Bed-Stuy location due to the renovation of the Restoration Plaza campus. That time is this summer. This Friday, August 2nd, will be the last day the Bed-Stuy location will be open to members of the public.

Most of our Bed-Stuy programs will continue at Crown Heights beginning on Monday, August 5th. If you attend programming at Bed-Stuy, please check with its group leader or our calendar for any changes to its day and time at Crown Heights. Groups currently meeting at Crown Heights will continue as normal.

The awning for BCPC's Bed-Stuy space, a purple and white sign on a brick building
Bed-Stuy was our first full-fledged home, and we will miss it. And while we are leaving Restoration Plaza, we won't be far. In addition to building out more programming at our newer and larger Center in Crown Heights, we are excited to partner with community organizations on programming across the borough, so we truly serve all of LGBTQ+ Brooklyn.

If you've not visited us at Crown Heights, please do! And if you'd like to suggest or start a program here or anywhere in the borough for LGBTQ+ Brooklyn, we'd love to help.

Thank you and please contact us with any questions or concerns.

With deep appreciation,

Kenrick Ross (he/him/his)
Executive Director

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